Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What I Know, Don't Know and Hope to Know About Wine

Growing up with a mother who absolutely adores red wine, one might assume that I, myself, would be a wine enthusiast. Sadly, however, that is not the case. I was allowed to have a few sips here and there every once in a while - mostly for my parents' amusement in watching my mouth pucker and eyes water (mother enjoys very dry red wines) due to the strong alcohol taste. I swore off wine and never thought I would ever gain an appreciation for it and/or discover that I, in fact, do really like wine. I am in no way shape or form even close to being a wine connoisseur, or a wine-o as I like to refer to, but I am learning types of wines that I enjoy. Wine has especially peaked my interest since I began serving at a restaurant here in Blacksburg because I am constantly around it and obviously need to know about the wines I am selling. Needless to say, my tips are typically higher with my wine-drinking tables after referring a certain wine to pair with the dish they ordered. I wish I could say that I know all about wine, but I only know a tiny bit compared to what I know this class will teach me.

            I have a best friend who also really enjoys wine and she’s also a red wine lover. My personal opinion is that people who favor red wines understand wine really well and/or that they have expanded their tastes to appreciate “better” and more complex wines. I put “better” in quotations because that is obviously a disputable accusation. Anyways I digress. My best friend, Kenzie, would always suggest a wine night and I would agree because who at this age denies a night to drink alcohol, especially if the other person is buying. She would appease me by buying a less-dry white wine – typically a Pinot Grigio. Her goal was to get me to start to like dryer white wines so that she could then introduce me to reds. I can tolerate reds I just haven’t made that transition yet. She was really amped when I told her I thought Pinot Grigios were sweet so we moved on to Chardonnays. I mention wanting to be able to love red wines but some people are red wine people and some people are white wine people. I think I’m a white wine person.

            Some things that I do know about wine is that typically you would pair a red wine with a red meat: steak or beef, and a white wine with white meat: chicken. Also, if you’re eating a spicy dish, a sweet wine is desired to balance the flavors. White wine also pairs well with seafood and certain pasta dishes. I know more about white wines than I do red wines when it comes to sweetness and dryness.  I know that Mescato is super sweet. I actually can only have one glass at a time whereas with a Chardonnay I can drink an entire bottle. From personal experience, I have learned that it’s a completely different kind of drunk when I drink wine. It makes me feel looser and my tolerance is completely different with it. I can drink liquor and beer like a champ but when it comes to drinking wine I’m pretty tipsy after two glasses – drunk after finishing a whole bottle. This is obviously due to wine having such a high alcohol content, obviously, it just baffles me how quickly and intensely it affects me. The hangovers are worse, too.

I wish I knew more about how to recognize tastes in wines because it’s difficult for me to identify when I sip it. I also would love to learn more about how to pair wine with food because I could help suggest wine to my tables and also indulge myself when cooking dinner. I hope that by the end of this course, I will learn to enjoy red wine more than white wine and to have an overall better appreciation for this awesome type of alcohol. Teach me how to be a wine-o. 

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